

Ein El-Silien

     Natural springs spread throughout the region of Fayoum. However the most important of them are the springs of Ein El-Silien. It is one of the important tourist attractions in Fayoum. Not only the natural springs that give a charming landscape to the site, but also there is a traditional watermill of a very unique type. Nature is different in Ein El-Selien where the moderate climate, clear environment, tranquility and the shopping places. Its water is sweet, and contains traces of titanium. There are some vendors, restaurants, accommodations and other amenities in the area, which is located in a lush valley. Other such springs around Fayoum include al-Sha'ir, Biahmu and al-Mandarah.


      Silien is located in a wonderful area full of trees where gardens and orchards surrounding the place. It is located in the midway between El- Fayoum and Qaroun Lake: 8 km from Fayoum, 13 km from Qaroun Lake.


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