
المواطنون > Tourism > Monuments > Islamic

Islamic monuments

Qantara Al-Lahun

    The old bridge was built by the Mamluki Beberze about 20km from Fayoum. It was built to organize the irrigation in the town.

Qaitby Mosque

     The mosque was built during the Mamluki era by the wife of Sultan Qaitby. It dates back to the 15th century. Its platform is very distinguished which was made in a way enable to be removed and installed. The door and the reader chair are original antiquities.


Sheikh Ali Al-Rubi Mosque

      Sultan Barkouk ordered to build it in the honor of Sheikh Ali Al-Robi. The minaret was built in the same Mamluki style as Azhar minaret. An annual celebration is held at the mosque in honor of the Sheikh.


The Hanging Mosque

      It was built by Prince Soliman in the beginning of the Othmani era in 1576.The French Campaign listed this mosque in the famous book; Egypt Description.

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