
المواطنون > Tourism > Monuments > Graeco-Roman

Graeco-Roman Monuments

Kom Oshim:(Karanis)

     was one of the largest Graeco-Roman cites in Fayoum built by the Ptolemies in the third century B.C .Today the remains of the city include two temples dedicated to the crocodile gods and a Roman bath. It also includes a museum interesting display of glassware, jewelry and pottery discovered on the site.

Qasr Qaroun:(Dianysias)

     Qasr Qaroun is 50 km to the northwest of Fayoum city and on the southern side of Lake Qaroun. The well preserved temple built in the ptolemic era in the 3rd century B.C appears like a rectangular box with slightly tilted walls. The entrance is ornamented with a winged sun disk.

Um El- Brigit :(Tebtunis)

     Teb-Tunis was built during the 22nd dynasty and inhabited by Greek and roman settlers. All that remains today are two limestone lions situated as sentries.

Dimait al Siba

     Dimait was originally a Graeco-Roman town called Soknopaios which means island of the crocodile god. The town was a departure point for desert caravans heading over Qatrani Mountain towards the Mediterranean Sea. The ruins include two temples, underground chambers and mud brick walls up to 5 metres high.

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