
المواطنون > Tourism > Eco tourism

Bird watching

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

       Egypt lies on a major migratory route for hundreds of millions of birds passing through the country on their long journey from the cold climate of Europe and western Asia to the warmer region of Africa. Fayoum provides suitable habitats for local and migratory birds that include: cattle egrets, herons, ibis, Senegal coucals hoopoes, graceful warblers, greater flamingos, purple gallinules, kingfishers and barbary to name but a few. Lake Qaroun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes have been listed as Important Bird Area (IBAs) by bird life international. In Wadi El-Rayan bird watching is possible throughout the year, but the greatest diversity found in winter when the lakes are teaming with migrant water birds.


Camel Trekking, Hiking and Desert Treks

The Sound of Silence

     The spectacular Fayoum desert is one of the greatest attractions for visitors who appreciate nature and want to escape to silent open spaces to gain an inner peace. You can explore the desert on foot, by camel or jeep. Plodding along at a leisurely pace; camels are a suitable means of transport to explore the unspoilt, pristine desert, sand dunes, canyons, agricultural areas and lakeshores of Fayoum. Hiking in Fayoum allows visitors to have a strong encounter with nature and reach the most remote places in valleys. Other areas of the desert can only be reached by jeep. Weather you choose to sit atop a camel and be swayed along by its rhythmic stride or hike to the summit of an escarpment, rest assured that the views will always be spectacular and memorable.

Rural Life & Handicrafts

Fayoum a Tapestry Embroidered by Nature

      Resembling an oasis, Fayoum is a living canvas of rural scenes depicting images of farmers telling the soil using age-old methods; of brightly dressed children herding sheep and goats along the tranquil country lanes and buffalo resting contentedly under palm front shelters. Fayoum provides picturesque snapshots of silvery olive trees shimmering in the sunlight; golden sunflowers nodding towards the sun; dropping clusters of tender and yellow dates; bales of hand-picked fluffy cotton balls.

Fayoum is Famous as well for the variety of handicrafts: producers of palm leaf baskets, carpets and kilim can be found in tiny workshops in villages. Nazla and Tunis are the most famous villages of producing pottery items.



     Foreigners usually camp in Wadi El-Hitan on winter weekends. A wilderness campsite is available at Hitan on the floor of the ancient sea that covers this area many millions of years ago. The campaign site offers natural beauty, barbeque and WC. Just bring your own equipment, including firewood and enjoy the fine weather around the year. During the winter the temperature is cooler making hiking very nice, with dramatic cloud formation.

Fayoum A tranquil world just one hour from chaotic Cairo


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