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Fayoum Governor Inspects Preparations for the 9th Tunis Pottery Festival

General Saad-Fayoum Governor made a field trip to inspect preparations for launching the activities of Tunis 9th pottery festival. The Festival will be held in Tunis village in Youssef El seddeq center from the 7th to the 10thof November 2019. General Mowafi- assistant secretary general- accompanied Saad in thefield trip, side by side with chairman of the committee supervising the festival organization, representative from Fayoum Tourism Authority, Youth and Sports, Youssef Elseddeq center,  Education, Fayoum University, Social solidarity, Private Associations and civil society organizations. The Governor with his companion inspect all the preparations of the Festival; sanitation, afforestation, luminescent, painting fences and buildingfacades environmental, drawing and expressive environmental and civilized shapes on it, roads treatment, removing unlicensed advertises from lighting poles and keeping continuation maintenance.

Saad emphasize the supervising committee to finish the preparations as soon as possible and to inspect all the activities periodically from the launching to the end of the festival. With a necessity to maintain the eco- life in the village. He also points to the importance of combining efforts and working as one team to achieve the festival in a civilized honorable picture befitting the name of Fayoumgovernorate.

Holding such cultural and artistic festivals has an important role in tourism promotion to Fayoum, Saad refers. At the end the governor confirms that the governorate is ready to introduce all avenues to support those villages and rises these handicrafts wichincarnateFayoum heritage.

Tunis Pottery Festival

23rd to 25 th November

Holding cultural events is an effective way for attracting tourists especially those interested in cultural and human heritage, in this context an event intended to revive the Fayoum cultural heritage of pottery art; it is called Tunis Pottery Festival.
The art of pottery is deeply rooted in Fayoum Governorate supports some villages (i.e. Tunis, Com oshim and Al Nazla) known for their pottery works. However, the festival will be held in Tunis village, located in the far west of Lake Qarun where the art of pottery is well established. Tunis has a reputable school of pottery in addition to some artisan's studio for processing and marketing purposes. The calmness and the beauty of Tunis have reflected the unique style of pottery. The festival is held every year from 23rd to 25 th of November and organizes workshops and cultural seminars.

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